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Family Book – Celebrate Your Heritage in a Family History Photo Book

by / Sunday, 13 July 2014 / Published in Photobooks
Make a family book - celebrate your heritage ad history

Make a family book

A family book is a great way to celebrate your heritage, and the history of your family. Most families own shoe boxes full of photographs and documents dating back 100 or more years, covering many generations. They contain valuable and often emotional information on the history and origin of people who came to North America, often from impoverished and hopeless circumstances. These early immigrants left everything behind them in the “old country”, scraped together enough money to board a ship somewhere for a trans oceanic voyage to the New World. Think about that for a moment. That required courage. These folks left and knew that they would never see their relatives again, would not be able to ever speak with them again. The only contact in those early days was through written letters, letters that could take weeks to finally be delivered. This would be the equivalent of leaving earth life behind to board a space ship with a one way ticket to the planet Mars; interestingly enough, volunteers are being recruited right now, in 2014… What used to be science fiction is now becoming reality.

What Does it Take to Get Going on a Family Book? – Make Yours in 6 Easy Steps

Over the years, Treasure-Book has been printing a great many Family Heritage books. All it takes to get initiated is one or two people in your family who would volunteer to put the History of your Family together in a digital format. That can be quite a job, but once it is all done and the finished printed book lies on your table, the satisfaction of “having it accomplished” can be a great boost to one’s sense of accomplishment.

  1. First, start by contacting all households in your extended family. Ask all of them to look for documents and photographs that are significant in the history of your family.
  2. Then, create a name-chart that goes as far back as you can find out, with the person that started the family. A spreadsheet would be a good help in placing all names, birthdays, wedding dates, children, grand children and so on, in a way that you can see the family history unfold in front of your eyes.
  3. Your next step would be to sort all the photographs and relevant documents and start scanning them one by one.
  4. Save all these scans as a .jpg, in relevant folders. One folder for each part of the family would be a good way to be organized and have it all at your fingertips once the actual creation of the heritage book is going to start. Obviously, if you want the book to be up to the present time, the images you will gather of the last 6 to 10 years will be digital already and do not need scanning.
  5. Next thing to do is to download and install our free Photo Book software.
  6. Read the user guide and save time by being prepared and have a basic understanding of how the software works and what wonderful tools it has to help you create a magnificent book in much less time than one would expect it to be.

Family Book or Heritage Book Type, Style and Cover Customizations and Prices

The format we see most frequent is the 8.5 x 11 Portrait Photo Wrap Hard Cover. This book has a base price of $ 39.99 and contains 20 pages. Additional pages (= prints) are charged at $0.99 cents each. A page is one side of a sheet. The standard file size has a maximum of 200 pages. However, if your heritage book needs more space than that, we have the ability to combine multiple files into one book. That means that a 400 page book is a possibility. Contact us for more information about making a large family book or family history book. For orders of multiple copies, we provide volume rebate discounts. Contact us to find out how much discount your volume would bring before you send a file for printing. We will provide you with a special single use discount code to use at check-out.

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